Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big News

So it's been a while since the last post, but I have good reasons for the lapse, I promise!

Anyhow, the long and short of it is that we're moving back to Iowa! Alexander recieved an excellent offer from his preveous employer, so we'll be living in our house in Newton.

(There are extenuating circumstances we took into consideration on whether to stay or go back; however, I won't go into details on here. Sorry for being cryptic - if you really want to know more, call me).

So I've been busy re-packing some of our stuff, and packing up the rest of everything.

Don't exactly know the timetable yet - for now we're leaving next Wednesday and arriving in Newton the following Wed. or Thurs.

In between packing, we've been doing some fun stuff too. We went out to the State Fair last Thursday. It's a lot smaller than you'd think, but someone explained that the state is broken into regions and each region has their own State Fair. We do have pictures but I don't have access to them at this time. I'll post them later when we get set up in Newton.

We've loved living here in Wasilla, even with the rainy summer they had this year. The people are wonderful, the scenery is beautiful, and we'll miss the friends we made here. But we look forward to being close to family and friends Outside as well.!

Till next time....

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