Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I apologize. I'm not as good of a blogger as I thought I would be. But, we've been pretty busy these last couple of months.

As mentioned in the previous post, we got the roof fixed. We have a new water heater and furnace installed. We put storm windows in. We have a new screen door. We've picked an outside paint color for the house, which we will hopefully get done this spring. Oh, and we redid all of the outside front landscaping!

We picked up the laminate for the countertops a couple weeks ago -I had hoped that maybe it would be done sometime in January, but now I'm thinking sometime in Feb. By the time everything is done this will be pretty much a brand new house! Hopefully next time around on the market it might actually sell!

Christmas and New Years was exciting. It was so fun to have all the little cousins together. They played pretty well together too. There were lots of parties and running around. Something to do every weekend from Thanksgiving to after New Years! So it was no small wonder that the boys and I got sick after everything calmed down. Luckily, Alexander avoided everything.

Noah is getting to be quite the little kid. He's learning to read (Thanks to his Nana!), and now recognizes about 10 different two and three letter words! He also got a learning toy ( I have NO idea what it's called) that has 8 different functions and he can spell about 20-30 three letter words! He also has quite a sense of humor, and keeps us laughing with his observations of the world.

As for Christopher, he is all boy. He loves to follow his big brother all over the house, and gets himself into all sorts of mischief, i.e., climbing on the piano, sliding down the stairs and "cleaning" out his bedroom closet! Learning by association, he can "spell" a few words too (I'm sure that somewhere in the world there is a language that recognizes P-T-D as a valid word!). He is also my little singer - I catch him often singing parts of "Jesus Loves Me" or the refrain from "Angels We Have Heard On High."

That's it for now - we (well, mostly me) are really looking forward to spring...especially on days like today where we are supposed to get up to 12" of snow in a 24 hour period. At least I haven't had to shovel yet! :)

'Til next time!

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